Agendra Kumar, Managing Director, of Esri India said, “GIS Day is a vibrant celebration of spatial exploration, where data tells compelling stories and Esri India has always been at the forefront of GIS Day’s celebrations in the country. GIS provides a platform to store, manage, and analyze geospatial data to help make informed decisions in almost every field. Whether it’s advancing infrastructure development or ensuring the responsible use of utilities, communities are transforming through a geographic approach. GIS is already the core foundation of various environmental, disaster resilience, and natural resources management programs like the National Water Mission, National Mission for Clean Ganga, and NDMA’s disaster management projects among others. It is helping us to solve crucial social and business challenges more effectively with its integration with new-age technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, virtual reality, big data, digital twins, etc. This year marks the 25th anniversary of GIS Day, with the theme, Mapping Minds, Shaping the World, and the theme captures the extraordinary impact of GIS in transforming how we understand, navigate, and influence our world.”